
Our Training Program:

Our training Evolution will assure the biodiversity of the clean environment and this will help to achieve our destination in pragmatic way.
Joining hands together with you is a colossal feel, with this confederation, we both can disseminate a consensual work contentment in every nook and cranny.

  • ATP1 – Programme on Basic Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
  • ATP2 – Programme on Basic Life Support and First Aid Skills
  • ATP3 – Programme on Automatic External Defibrillator and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (AED& CPR)
  • ATP4 – Programme on Evacuation Mock Drill
  • ATP5 – Programme on Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness.
  • ATP6 – Programme on Advance Fire Safety and Operation, Maintenance of Hydrant System
  • ATP7 – Programme on Behavior Based Safety
  • ATP8 – Programme on Road Safety and Defensive Driving
  • ATP9 – Programme on Chemical Handling, Laboratory Safety and Spill Management System.
  • ATP10 – Programme on Electrical and Maintenance Safety
  • ATP11 – Programme on General Safety and Occupational Health Awareness Training

  • ATP13 – Programme on Welding Safety
  • ATP14 – Programme on Conne Space Safety
  • ATP15 – Programme on Fall Protection and Work at Height Training
  • ATP16 – Programme on Fit-Test Training
  • ATP17 – Programme on Health, Mental and Emotional Safety Training.
  • ATP18 – Programme on Industrial Hazardous & Waste Management.
  • ATP19 – Programme on 5s Safety Training
  • ATP20 – Programme on Effective Safety Leadership and Supervision at Work Place.
  • ATP21 – Programme on Near Miss and Unsafe Conditions
  • 4ATP22 – Programme on Fire Suit, Breathing Apparatus & Gas-tight Suit
  • 4ATP23 – Programme on Materials Handling & Warehouse Safety
  • ATP24 – Programme on Forklift and Internal Traffic Control System
  • 4ATP25 – Programme on Lockout/Tagout.

ATP1 – Basic Fire Safety & Emergency Preparedness

  • Objectives:
  • Case Studies of Fire Accident
  • QMK Concept
  • 10 Steps Of Life Saver
  • Origin of Fire and How Fire Spreads
  • Role and Responsibilities of ERT Team.
  • Pro-active Steps to prevent Fire Accidents
  • Rescue and Lifting Methods
  • Live Demonstration

ATP2 – Basic Life Support & First Aid Skills

  • Objectives:
  • 10 Commandments of First Aider
  • Preserve the Life
  • Prevent From Damage
  • Treatment
  • Relieving pain and protecting the unconscious.
  • Checking for 4 Lacks
  • Practising Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • First Aid for Electrocution, Drowning & Choking
  • First Aid for Head, Hand & Leg injury
  • First aid for Fire Burn, Chemical Burn and
  • Human body Fire
  • Other Medical Emergency First Aid Tips
  • Rescue and lifting Technics.

ATP3 – Automatic External Defbrillator & Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (AED& CPR)

  • Objectives:
  • Application, Mechanism and Usage Of AED
  • Importance of AED
  • Maintenance and Service of AED
  • Cardiovascular Functioning
  • Cardio Care Tips
  • Difference between Heart attack, Cardiac
  • Arrest and Stroke
  • Check for 4 Lacks
  • Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Where to Use AED and Where to Perform CPR
  • Counting and Post CPR activities

ATP4 – Evacuation Mock Drill

Evacuation Plan
The First and Foremost step is to create
appropriate Policy and Procedure for the
ERT Members
Educate employees for Evacuation Procedures
Creating various ERT-Team to Handle the
Motivating workers to indulge in mock drill
Pepper talk for Importance of Evacuation .
All clear Signal after controlling the
Post Evacuation Procedures.

ATP5 – Disaster Management
& Emergency Preparedness

Disaster Management Cycle
Before Event Planning
After Event Direction
Demo of Emergency Handling Equipment

ATP6 – Advance Fire Safety

Case Studies of Fire Accident
Causes for Fire Accident and Prevention
Hydrant System and Working mechanism
Support and Service for the Fire Crew
Rescue Method
Live Demonstration of Hydrant Points.

ATP7 – Behaviour Based Safety

B asic Behaviour Principles
How Negative behaviour leads to Accident
A-B-C Method of BBS
Promoting Positive Safe behaviour
Challenges at Work place For Employees
Industrial Hazard Control
Measures for Productivity
Ergonomic Safety Work Practice
Selection and Usages of Safety Equipment.

ATP8 – Road Safety & Defensive Driving

Think Safety Concept
Case Studies of Road accident and
observation to stop similar Tragedy.
Driving Depends on Health, Mental and
Emotional Balance
Road Safety Policy and Statute
Concentration and Distraction
Defensive Driving Attitude
Signalling and Direction
Vehicle Maintenance Habits
Mr. Late : Start – Early / Reach- Early

ATP9 – Chemical Handling, Labarourty
Safety & Spill Management System

Hazard Communication
OSHA Classification of Chemicals
Safe Work practice in Storage, Handling and
Spill Management Techniques
Importance of Labeling and Neutralization
Hazards in Flammable Liquids
Selections Usages and Maintenance of
right PPE’s

ATP10 – Electrical & Maintenance

Electrical Hazards in Workplace
Case studies of Electrical Accident and
Rectification Measures
Important of Electrical Energy Savings Method
Arc Flash Hazards and Categories
Preventing Electrical Hazards and
implementation of Loto Equipment
First Aid For Electrical Shock / Burns

ATP11 – General Safety
& Occupational Health Awareness

Hazards identification in Work place
Proactive Safety Approach
Communicating Safety Concerns
Self – Responsibility for Safe Work Environment
Cost of Accident and Importance of Human Body
Encouraging drive to Use PPE’s throughout the
Working Time
Importance of PPE’s and Consequences of Not
Using the PPE’s.

ATP12 – Domestic & House Safety

Emphasizing for Safe and Secure Environment
Slips, Trips and Fall Safety
Electrical Safety
Kitchen Safety
Hazard Control and Precautionary measures
Children’s and Elder’s Safety
Emergency Contact Person and Contact details
First Aid Skills for Medical Emergency

ATP13 – Welding & Grinding

Welding Hazards
Welding Safe Work Practices
Confine space Welding
Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety
Respiratory Protection For Welding
Right Safety Equipment For Welding

ATP14 – Conne Space Safety

Confine Spaces – Classification
Methods and Procedure of Confine Space
Entry Permit
Pre- Entry Measures and Supervision of
Confine Space Entry.
Confine Space Entry Team to be
non- Comorbidities
Atmospheric and Non-atmospheric Hazards
Selection and Usages of Proper PPE’s.

ATP15 – Fall Protection & Work at

Identifying the Fall Hazards
Active and Passive Fall Protection
Slips Trips and Fall
Statute of OSHA Guidelines and Height Work
Permit Procedure
Rescue at Height
Selection and Usages of Fall Protection PPE’s

ATP16 – Fit test Training

Briefing of Respiratory Protection
Classification of Respiratory system
Importance of Using right Respirators in Work
Normal Breathing with Head Motionless.
Deep Breathing with Head Motionless.
Turning Head Slowly Side to Side While
Breathing, Pausing for At least Two Breaths
before Changing Direction.
Moving Head Up and Down While Breathing,
Pausing for At least Two Breaths before
Changing Direction.
Recommendation of Respirators for the
Proper Fit

ATP17 – Health, Mental
and Emotional Safety

Five Hierarchy Health control
Elimination, Substitute, Engineering Control
Administrative Control and
Personal Protective Equipment
Mental Health in Work Place
Job Performance and Productivity Engagement with one’s Work
Communication With Co Workers
Physical Capability and daily Functioning
ATP17 – Health, Mental
and Emotional Safety
Emotional Health
Subsidised Clinical Recommendation
Medication and Counselling
Communicating in Optimistic Way
Arranging Seminar and Workshops

ATP18 – Industrial Hazardous
Waste Management

Impact of Waste in Environment
Collection and Segregation of Waste
Local Regulations for Waste Disposal
Reduce, Re-use and Recycling Concept
Types Of Industrial Waste
Treatment and Disposal of Waste
PPE’s Usages

ATP19 – 5S Safety

Japanese -Role Model
Advantage of 5s
Correction and Implementation
5s Leads to Safety
Regular Supervision and Follow ups

ATP20 – Effective Safety Leadership
& Supervision at Work Place

Safety – Leadership Quality
Understanding the Employee’s Attitude
Team Leader is a Team Player
Safety Responsibility
Role of Safety Supervisors
Safety Excellences
Interpersonal Relationships

ATP21 – Near Miss & Unsafe Condition

What is Near Miss and Unsafe Conditions
Difference between Unsafe Conditions and
Near miss prevention methods
Causes of Near Miss
Unsafe Conditions and Unsafe Tools
Unsafe Work Practice
Communication and Human Error
Lack of Training
Lack of PPE’s and Safety Awareness
Reporting Pattern of Unsafe Conditions and
Near miss
Preventing Methods

ATP22 – Fire Suit, Breathing Apparatus & Gas Tight Suit

Need of Emergency Equipment
Concept and Components of SCBA, Fire Suit and Gas tight suit
SCBA Fit test
Donning & Doffing of the SCBA, Fire Suit and Gas tight Suit
Safety Guidelines and Maintenance of the Equipment.

ATP23 – Materials Handling
& Warehouse Safety

Understanding the Hazards
Safe Way of lifting loads
Material Handling Procedure
Hazards in Warehouse
Forklift/ Stackers Safety
Ladder Usages and Safe Climbing Methods.
Safe Storage and Racking
Emergency Response Procedures.

ATP24 – Forklift & Internal
Trafc Control System

Fork Lift Operator Safety
Surface Conditions
Proper Load Manipulation
Vehicle and Pedestrian Trafc
Pre Use Inspection
Various Loads and Stability
Stacking and Unstacking
Signages and Directions
Traffic Rules and Regulations
Traffic Safety Equipment

ATP25 – Lockout/ Tagout

Types of Hazardous Energy
Loto Program
Best Practices in Loto
OSHA – Control of Hazardous Energy
Loto Device and Application
Benefits of Loto Practicing
Group Loto